
Showing posts from October, 2019

Star Trek: The Next Generation - S02E07 - Unnatural Selection

Time to check out another ALL ACTION episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I kid. I kid. This is an Doctor Grandma-centric episode so even though this is the Star Trek Fuck Report I hope there is absolutely no action. Preexisting Prejudices I vaguely remember this episode being about Doctor Grandma transforming into Doctor Great-Grandma and it not being particularly good but it's been years since I saw it so I could be wrong. I don't think there's any fuckin' in it though which is probably for the best since this is an episode about Doctor Grandma. Plot Synopsis We start things off as we generally do with a big ol' Captain's Log. Picard tells us that they are headed to some kind of space base to rendezvous with a medical ship or some shit. The presence of the Enterprise is apparently "imperative," and Picard hopes that the mission will give him a chance to "assess the performance of our new Chief Medical Officer." Now I don'

Star Trek: The Next Generation - S02E06 - The Schizoid Man

It's been awhile since I've looked at a Star Trek thing. I got back into watching some other stuff and then my parents visited so I found myself lacking a ton of free time to watch old-ass extremely horny sci-fi shows. Today, however, we're continuing to explore Season 2 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, specifically episode 6, The Schizoid Man. Preexisting Prejudices I don't really remember this episode at all based on title alone or the brief one line episode summary so we're more or less going into this one with a clean slate. I'm a bit worried based on that one line episode summary that we aren't going to get much fucking though and since this is the Star Trek Fuck Report, that lack of fucking is going to be a major detriment. Plot Synopsis This episode begins unlike any other I've encountered up to this point: with Doctor Grandma droppin' a Medical Log. She informs us that some dude named Ira Graves is "the greatest human mind in

Star Trek: The Next Generation - S02E05 - Loud as a Whisper

Welcome back to yet another case study in my ongoing examination of the horniest sci-fi television program of the late 80s and early 90s, Star Trek: The Next Generation. Today we are taking a look at the January 9, 1989 episode, Loud as a Whisper. Preexisting Prejudices Since Where Silence Has Lease wasn't the episode with a deaf guy hanging out on the Enterprise for some reason, I'm assuming that this one is that episode. I don't remember anything about it though other than the fact that Data learns sign language in it at one point and it (the episode in question not Data's study of sign language) is not particularly good. Plot Synopsis As is more often than not the case we begin our cold open with Picard dropping a Captain's Log, informing us of the plot hook for today's episode. This week's hook? The Enterprise has to pick up a mediator and transport them to a planet in the midst of "a bitter planetary conflict," at the request of the wa